Title IX
Title IX Campus Programming
Page Content
Fall 2022- Spring 2023
August 2022
August 18: Real Talk: A Conversation About Hookup Culture & Sexual Assault
This program was designed for Å·ÃÀAV's Golden Eagle Welcome Week (GEWW), a week dedicated to welcoming freshmen to campus and engaging them with the university community. The program involved a presentation and an engaging discussion about hookup culture, consent, setting boundaries, signs of healthy & unhealthy relationships, bystander intervention, and sexual assault. In addition, the students broke up into small groups to work through and reflect on scenarios focusing on these topics.
This program was co-hosted by the Title IX Office and Sexual Assault Prevention Ambassadors (SAPA), a student organization dedicated to raising awareness and education of the issues that surround sexual assault on college campuses. We hosted real conversations with incoming freshmen about hookup culture and sexual assault while teaching and encouraging safe practices.