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Graduate School

Susan A. Siltanen Graduate Student Research Symposium Guidelines

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Presentation Guidelines

Student must present original research conducted as part of a degree program at ŷAV. Research presented previously is acceptable. Participants must choose to do an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Abstracts must be limited to 300 words. Only students enrolled in fully online programs have the option to participate virtually. 

Oral Presentations (PowerPoint)

1. Must include a title slide consistent with the submitted abstract.

2. If multiple authors, only one may be present.

3. Limited to 10 minutes.

Poster Presentations

1. Poster guidelines for in-person and virtual participants.

  • In-Person Poster Presentation: Must have 36" x 48" dimension.
  • Virtual Poster Presentation: Must be a single (8 1/2" x 14” landscape) PowerPoint slide.
  • Limited to 10 minutes.

2.   Must include following items to be eligible for the poster competition:

  • Poster presentation title consistent with abstract
  • Presenting author, coauthors, principal investigator
  • School name
  • College name
  • The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406

3.  Can be presented by two authors if the degree program allows a joint project.


  • A monetary prize will be given to all symposium winners. 

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