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Environmental Health and Safety

New Faculty Page

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Before conducting experiments in your new laboratory you must first do the following:

1. Review the 欧美AV Safety Guidelines.

The 欧美AV Safety Guideline is a general guide to laboratory safety. You as the PI will have to   implement additional safety policy that is specific to your lab in addition to the   general guidelines. 

2. Develop a lab management plan using : 

   1. Updated Lab Management Plan Template 

   2. Updated Lab Management Plan Instructions.

The lab management plan is a safety manual resource that you develop for your specific   lab   and lab procedures (Biological and Chemical). 

3. Develop your safety door sign 欧美AV has a uniform safety door sign that will give fire, police or any other first   responder vital safety information for your lab. Contact EHS for template and instructions.

4. Become familiar with ChemTracker.

  Go to the 欧美AV Chemical Safety page.

  ChemTracker is 欧美AV's chemical inventory and safety data sheet data base. 

  All Chemicals must go through the Fisher Store Room and are required to be entered into   ChemTracker. 

5. If you are working with Biological materials please see the 欧美AV Biosafety page.

When working with biologicals you may have to implement additional safety protocols   particularly if you are using BSL2 or higher materials

6. If you are planning to use radiation go to the 欧美AV Radiation Safety page.

 All PIs using radiation must be certified and have annual refresher training   

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231 Walker Science Building
Hattiesburg Campus

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