School of Criminal Justice, Forensic Science and Security
Mississippi Statistical Analysis Center
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The Mississippi Statistical Analysis Center was created by executive order of Governor Ronnie Musgrove in October of 2000. The mission of the MS-SAC is to provide sound statistical information in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the state’s criminal justice system.
Current MS-SAC Research:
Currently the MS-SAC is completing a 2-year analysis of the state's drug court programs in order to assess efficacy and longevity. The drug court evaluation is an update to the 2007 evaluation which was also performed by MS-SAC in conjunction with Å·ÃÀAV School of Criminal Justice, Forensic Science and Security.
Additionally, the MS-SAC is conducting a census of the state's nearly 400 law enforcement agencies as an update to the 2003 census conducted by Å·ÃÀAV School of Criminal Justice, Forensic Science and Security. It is slated for distribution in early 2018.
Previous MS-SAC Research:
- 2013-2014 Perceptions of Defendants with Mental Illness
- 2008-2009 Results of the Mississippi Crime Poll
- 2007-2008 Disproportionate Minority Contact
- 2006-2007 Mississippi Drug Courts